Comics & Illustration

About Lex

I'm Lex (they/them), a queer cartoonist operating out of Northampton MA. I graduated from the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2013, and have been deep in the comics mines since! If Iā€™m not drawing, you can find me knitting, prepping spells for my next Dungeons & Dragons session, or relaxing with a pile of video games.

My current big project is my webcomic, Welcome to Enigma. It's a long-form mess told in short stories about a town full of supernatural people and the very normal things that happen to them.

I've also been published in a number of ways, and you can check that out in the following places:

Nomad Press - Illustration work for a number of books

Ctrl + Alt + Del for the online anthology 30 Minutes to Live

I'm always open for commissions as well! Drop me a line and we'll see what we can do!